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Видео оказалось фейковым. Спасибо бдительным подписчикам, которые немедленно предъявили претензии аукционному дому Bolland & Marotz Звиняйте, немцы. "Dear Ms A.... This video is a fake. Such an auction does not take place. We distance ourselves from such machinations and are outraged and stunned that our name is misused for that. Please don't believe everything you see on the internet or TV and be more critical, especially in this sad times. Kind regards, Bolland & Marotz Hanseatisches Auktionshaus Fedelhören 19 D-28203 Bremen T: +49-(0)421/ 32 82 82 F: +49-(0)421/ 32 85 43 info@bolland-marotz.de https://t.me/mardanaka/11425 @mardanaka