مِِقِِبُُࢪهََ فِِࢪۉخِِ ۉڪَِحٰٰاެެبُُ اެݪتِاެمِ بُقِيُاެډهَ اެެيُُڪَِۉ اެެبُُنِِ اެެݪݪهََ ࢪبُُ اެެݪشََهََࢪهََ إأݪنِِسُُخِِهََ اެެݪاެެصِِݪيُُهََ 『إأسُــاެطَيُـࢪ إأݪـــتِــاެمِ』؛

Latoush played a hard link with 60 Do not persist in your distress, for you will regret it, seeking our strength @jj-n
مِِقِِبُُࢪهََ فِِࢪۉخِِ ۉڪَِحٰٰاެެبُُ اެݪتِاެمِ بُقِيُاެډهَ اެެيُُڪَِۉ اެެبُُنِِ اެެݪݪهََ ࢪبُُ اެެݪشََهََࢪهََ إأݪنِِسُُخِِهََ اެެݪاެެصِِݪيُُهََ 『إأسُــاެطَيُـࢪ إأݪـــتِــاެمِ』؛
#Link to the host of Echo, the son of God, the Lord #of fame, keep my eyes away from the #scratch of his leader Al-Tamil, and the personalities of Al-#Tamil are attached to my host, #which cannot be #limited. His favor is so #isolated that someone will poke my #head with you. The old is gone, the past is #forgotten, and the present is #coming #حيك حوبي مضيف #ايكو ابن الله مفتوح #الڪل بس لتحاول تڪم ...