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Fun with Acronyms : H.O.M.E. : The Holistic and Opportune Mutual Experience . It actually stands for Hide, Obscure, Maintain, Evict. ▪︎ Happiness Is Mandatory : According to one archive , the Laugh Track uses compression technology to forcibly induce laughter in riders . This comes with severe adverse health effects and was warned against use by its original testers, but went to the final product anyway . Harmful to Minors: Liminal Land seems to prefer to lure in kids, as a disproportionate amount have disappeared into it compared to adults. ▪︎ Hell Is That Noise : A recovered memorandum from the "Archives" section documents an employee who works in H.O.M.E. claiming he heard something akin to a child screaming, then something else that was redacted . Whatever it was, it didn't belong underground, and the memory haunted him . ▪︎ Historical In - Joke : The first video is one to the real life missing person sign - off for Joanna Lopez. Everything from the National Anthem preceding it to the dead silence and limited information on the actual sign off is copied, only this fictitious version includes more than one missing person. Madness Mantra : Attempting to call the number for information on Margaret Jacobson briefly plays an automatic message claiming the number has been taken offline, before descending into two of these in a row.