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Tg: Primakov

| Переслано из: <InfoDefenseENGLISH> | An American girl's opinion about Russia. Victoria is a lovely African American girl from LA, married to a Russian guy from Novosibirsk named Fedor ❤️ Here's what she says about Russia having lived here for a few years: "When I was about to go to Russia, I had very negative expectations, I thought that everything was bad here. I was very scared because of Russia's negative image in America. When I came here, I realized that those were all just stereotypes. Russia was more beautiful than I expected. And the people were better than Americans. Genuine, good people. My opinion of Russia has changed a lot" The full version of Victoria's video called "5 things I love about Russia" is here: https://youtu.be/ElKYy9nA74E and her entire blog is worth checking out, especially if you consider traveling to Russia or moving here 😉 #Americans #stereotypes #Russia #opinion #change #sincerity 📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH 📱 InfoDefense