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*_| Переслано из: PWRTelegram official bot |_* This the official bot of the [@pwrtelegram]( https://t.me/pwrtelegram ) api. I am basically a testing platform for the [@pwrtelegram]( https://t.me/pwrtelegram ) API. The [@pwrtelegram]( https://t.me/pwrtelegram ) bot API is an enhanced version of telegram's bot API that has all of the official telegram bot API features plus: * Downloading of files up to 1.5 GB in size * Anonymous file storage (the URL of downloaded files does not contain your bot's token) * Uploading of files up to 1.5 GB in size * Uploading of files using an URL * Reuploading of files using a file ID and different file type or file name. * Uploading of any file/URL/file ID with automagical type recognition. * Uploading of any file/URL/file ID without sending the file to a specific user. * Automagical metadata recognition of sent files/URLs/file IDs. * Deleting of text messages sent from the bot * Uploading of files bigger than 5 megabytes with inline queries (supports both URLs and direct uploads) * Automatical type recognition for files sent using answerinlinequery * Both webhooks and getupdates are supported. * webhook requests can be recieved even on insecure http servers. * It is open source ( https://github.com/pwrtelegram )! * It can be installed on your own server ( https://github.com/pwrtelegram/pwrtelegram-backend )! If you send me a file, even a 1.5 gb one, I will download it, return the download URL along with some json and resend it to you. Available commands: • /start: Start bot and get this message. • /info: Get shorter info message about this bot. • /dl URL filename: Download file using file id/ URL (up to 1.5 gb). Written by Daniil Gentili ( [@danogentili]( https://t.me/danogentili ) ). http://github.com/pwrtelegram/pwrtelegram-bot If you encounter bugs send [@danogentili]( https://t.me/danogentili ) a screenshot!