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Peter Dick. Pastel. Erarta Museum presented an exhibition of the eminent artist Peter Dick, in whose work the beauty of nature and the tragic experiences of Soviet childhood are combined Pastel on sandpaper. Concentration of time and space on the sheet. The author, whose works are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum. The author's style of Peter Dick was formed under the influence of the beauty of nature and the tragic experiences of Soviet childhood. Dick was born into an ethnic German family in Altai, where he was surrounded by "an endless sea of ​​feather grass and a huge sky." Any element that appeared in such a space was perceived as significant. When the war broke out, the boy's mother was sent to labor camps, and his father was sent to the front, from where he returned at the end of 1942, suffering from tuberculosis. The imminent death of his father was the first serious shock for Peter. “Life in the post-war years was no better than during the war: the same hunger, the same need to fight for survival,” the artist recalls. - Besides, this is life under the supervision of the commandant's office. My reaction to everything around me was strong resistance. " It was the “feeling of resistance” that eventually degenerated into instinct, and the heightened thirst for justice throughout his life that gave Peter Dick the strength and courage to defend his aesthetic choice. This is partly why he chose the graphics section at the Union of Artists: there was more freedom of expression than in painting or sculpture, for example. At the same time, Dick worked at the table for a long time: the author received the opportunity to exhibit only with the beginning of perestroika. Then, in the late 80s, Peter Dick "found" his technique - pastel on sandpaper. It allowed him to literally draw the viewer into the work: the dark background and graininess of the material give the pastels a special depth, emphasize the saturation of color and tone. Inside the graphic sheet, the density of the pastel seems to change the usual relationship between space and time: "gravity increases, darkness deepens, and light becomes richer." This is how the artist achieved a special drama that creates both a physical and metaphysical sense of eternity in his works. The graphics of Peter Dick are characterized by otherness, special humanity and a silent mystery - thanks to these features, the laconic aesthetics of the author's works becomes ethics. About the author: Pyotr Dik was born in 1939 in the village of Glyaden, Blagoveshchensk District, Altai Territory. In 1977 he became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In 1991 he received the title of "Honored Artist of Russia", and in 1999 - the title of "People's Artist of the Russian Federation". In 2001, the author was awarded the Russian-German Culture Prize. The artist's works are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, the Hermitage, the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, as well as other public and private collections in Russia and abroad. Petr Dick died in 2002 in Germany and was buried in Vladimir. From the site of the Erarta Museum. /*********************************************************/ Вернисаж выставки Петра Дика «Пастель» в музее "Эрарта". Фотографы Галина Кожемяченко, Николай Симоновский. Vernissage of the exhibition "Pastel" by Peter Dick at the Erarta Museum. Photographers Galina Kozhemyachenko, Nikolay Simonovsky.